Look ahead
This is an adaption from an article I read recently – I hope you find it useful!
Life is like driving a car – if you want to progress you need to keep your focus on what is ahead. You can glance in your rear-view mirror occasionally to see what is behind you or where you’ve been, but if you are continually staring in the mirror, you’ll end up in a ditch.
When times are tough, and we get weary, it is easy to dwell on the past, selectively remembering the good and omitting the bad. The problem with this is that if we keep wishing for “the good old days” and longing for “the way things used to be”, we will miss the many amazing opportunities all around us. A glimpse or a memory of the past is fine, but we need to live in the present and for the future.
Learn from the past, but don’t yearn for the past.