As I said my on my Facebook page, I have been focussing on being more Mindful. There has been a lot of talk about Mindfulness recently, but it has been part of Eastern Philosophies for thousands of years.
Well what does Mindfulness really mean?
Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment and focussing on what is right in front of you without any judgement. Although this may seem an easy task, often we focus on the moment we are in for a short time, then our mind starts to race off somewhere else. Yes, I am guilty of this to! Have you ever been in the car got to your destination and thought “How did I get here?” Well our minds wonder 50% of the time.
By practicing Mindfulness we exercise our brain which then becomes stronger, fitter and focussed. Over time our stress levels may reduce, and our happiness increase.
Next time you go for a walk practice Mindfulness, take note of what is around you, the gardens, how the ground feels underneath your feet, the weather, etc.. If your mind starts to wonder put that thought in a bubble and let it pass, you may find you have a lot of thoughts rush in, that is normal, let the thoughts pass by and keep going. Take note on how you feel after your walk.
If you would like more information on Mindfulness give me a call on 0403 913 518, alternatively go to my Contact link or private message me on my face book page.
Take care and thanks for joining me.